Episode 4

Annabelle walks in her office, from side to side

Annabelle ... turns out that at least five of my students have INTERDIMENSIONAL POWERS, my assistant just tried to kill us and some girl from another dimension that has a surprisingly normal name wants our help?!
Lana You didn't need to recite it, but yes
Clarissa Well, pendants is something new
Annabelle Why you are so calm about everything else?
Clarissa You start to get used to it, when it's your third time
Annabelle Third time...
Angie Yeah, first time it was white lilies and spiders
Lana Second time, it was mermaids
Angie And you running away, seriously, next time we're going to do dimensional travel, please don't run away
Annabelle There is going to be next time?
Angie Of course, it will, this girl needs our help after all
Lana Plus, those dimensions are so fun!
Clarissa Well, it definitely new experience, and I wouldn't mind learn about all this, maybe it will explain voice from my dreams
Annabelle Well, you do what you want, I'm definitely not going!
Lana Why not?
Annabelle I mean, this place is dangerous, who knows what will see
Annabelle Well, you do what you want, I'm definitely not going!
Lana Why not?
Annabelle I mean, this place is dangerous, who knows what will see or who we'll meet. It's too risky. I have a responsibility to my students and to myself. I can't just go gallivanting into other dimensions.
Lana Galva-what?
Annabelle Go to
Lana Why just don't say "Go-to" then?
Annabelle Because I'm choosing my own lexicon! Anyway, just, I don't think if I'm ready, everything can happen, and...

As Annabelle talks, she looks into a mirror in the cabinet and notices that her eyes are purple now

Annabelle Oh my god
Annabelle What the-?!

She steps closer to the mirror, examining her eyes.

Annabelle How did this happen?

Other girls exchange a glance.

Angie What happened?
Annabelle My eyes are purple...
Lana Uh-oh. Looks like you're not as immune to this interdimensional stuff as you thought.
Annabelle Don't joke like that, I know I'm not

Annabelle touches her pendant

Annabelle It just, ugh!

Annabelle looks at the floor

Annabelle I need to clear my head.

Annabelle went out the room and went to library