Annabelle sits behind her table and blonde haired boy talks on a phone

Annabelle Oh, hello again, I have some questions for you, Angela Lavine, Lana Fein and Clarissa Garma-
Clarissa Garamond
Annabelle Clarissa Garamond, I would like to ask the three of you to know. What happened in the school library today? You disappeared from my eyes and came back wet from head to toe

Lana Fein, you had jewelry on you, care to explain how it appeared from void

Clarissa, Angie and Lana looked at each other

Clarissa I can explain! You see...
Lana It was...
Angie It was a magic trick! We were working on our project, and our idea was a magic trick on a marine theme!

Clarissa puts her head in her arms, mumbling

Clarissa No way she would believe that
Annabelle You know I can hear you, right?
Clarissa I... Am...

A blonde boy stands behind the girls

Blonde Boy Well... I believe them, I want to see the magic trick you did.

He takes a flower out Clarissa's hair and the student's backpack full of flowers

Blonde Boy I heard from Annabelle how you used such flowers for a trick, you wouldn't mind if I would borrow it

Annabelle stands and slaps her arms on the table

Annabelle What you think you both are doing?! Clark, you were supposed to doing your job of assistant, not walk around, and Clarissa, don't shout, so all school can hear you

Close up of Clark's eyes

Clark Who said I will listen to you...
Annabelle Huh?!

Clark runs away to a near utility room and Clarissa runs behind him, as Clarissa opens utility room, she sees a dark portal in it, starting to close

Annabelle What the?!
Clarissa That's it, I'm going in!
Angie Wait, so not only we know about portal stuff

Clarissa runs inside of dark portal

Annabelle Clarissa, no! This reckless girl just puts herself in danger, I'm not going!

Angie jumps in portal too

Lana Listen, you want to save those two, right?
Annabelle Right...
Lana Then follow us!

Lana takes Annabelle's hand, and they jump into a portal